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For the 2008 Olympic, set up harmonious Liming - the signature ceremony for the Olympic

Author:liming   Post Date:2008-8-6

For the 2008 Olympic, set up harmonious Liming

-the signature ceremony for the Olympic

In the morning, August 5, Liming Heavy Industry launched to collect signatures on the theme of “For the 2008 Olympic, set up harmonious Liming ”.

In the song of “Bejing Welcome you”, Company Staff were excited to write the blessings for 2008 Olympic and solemnly sign own names on the red banner of “cheer for 2008 Olympic”, exprees their support and blessings for the Olympic.When sign own name, all convey us the passion. Some colleagus signed the message of “cheer for China! cheer for the Olympic! cheer for Liming”, appluand for the Olympic holding in China , wish our Olympic athletes achieve prominence again.

The signature ceremony will not only enrich our company culture, but also sublime Company Staff to express the Olympic feelings . It will set up a good atmosphere of full of vigour and vitality to present the Spiritual for our company Staff.


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