Henan Liming Road & Bridge Heavy Industry Co., Ltd
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Ask Date:7/28/2008 10:20:32 PM
Question:Can anyone tell me any info about a new type crusher called
Detail: Can anyone tell me any info about a new type crusher called"Hydraulic Pressure Cone Crusher"?

Reply:HP Series high efficiency Hydraulic Pressure Cone Crusher is a world-level cone crusher developed from the up-to-the-minute technology of Germany. The cone crusher not only improves the production capacity and crushing efficiency, but also widen the applying area, the hardness of materials range from limestone to basalt. It has a second-to-none crushing performance in the work of medium-size crushing, fine crushing and super fine crushing. The crusher is the improved type of spring cone crusher and can be used to replace ordinary hydraulic pressure cone crusher in the line of mining and construction. It is the most ideal equipment for large stone crushing factory and mining industry.


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