Henan Liming Road & Bridge Heavy Industry Co., Ltd
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Ask Date:7/28/2008 10:18:35 PM
Question:What is the Working Principle of Cone Crusher?
Detail: What is the Working Principle of Cone Crusher?

Reply:Cone crusher crushes materials by the working surface between the movable cone and fixed cone. So it is more advanced and efficiency than jaw crusher. The movable cone is supported by spherical bearing and fixed on an hanging erect shaft which is set in the eccentric sleeve, and the sleeve is set on the stopping and pushing bearing. The movable cone and erect shaft are driven by the eccentric shaft sleeve together. The eccentric shaft sleeve is driven by horizontal shaft and fimbriated gear, and the wheel of the conveyor belt is driven by motor through v-belts. The lower part of vertical shaft is installed in the eccentric sleeve. When the eccentric sleeve rotates, there is a conical surface lined out by the shaft. When the movable cone comes near the fixed cone, rocks are grinded into pieces, when the cone leaves, grinded materials is discharged from the discharge hole. The fixed cone can be ascended or descended by adjusting setting to adjust the width of discharge hole, consequently the output size is determined.


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