Henan Liming Road & Bridge Heavy Industry Co., Ltd
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Ask Date:7/14/2008 10:02:22 PM
Question:I heard jaw crusher is good for crushing stone,is it right?
Detail: I heard jaw crusher is good for crushing stone,is it right?

Reply:jaw crusher is ideally suitable for primary and secondary crushing with low power consumption and easy maintenance. Every feature of this machine has been carefully designed to provide superior quality and performance. Jaw crusher is widely used for crushing various materials like stone, granite, trap rock, coke, coal, manganese ore, iron ore, emery, fused aluminum, oxide, fused calcium carbide, lime stone, quartzite, alloys, etc.
Our jaw crusher features:
Our jaw crusher is suitable for crushing maximum, medium and minimum stones.
The operating principle of the jaw crusher is easy to be operated.
The structure of the jaw crusher is simple and it is easy to maintain.
Jaw Crusher main benefits:
High reliability
Top crushing performance
Wedge setting adjustment
Fast and simple maintrnance
Easy and less costly to install
Excellent total crushing economy


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