Henan Liming Road & Bridge Heavy Industry Co., Ltd
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Ask Date:6/30/2008 4:10:53 AM
Question:I buy a jaw crusher yesteday.but the operation is very difficult,who can help me ?
Detail: I need the detail of operation.

A jaw crusher reduces large size rocks or ore by placing the rock into compression, a fixed jaw, mounted in a “V” alignment is the stationary breaking surface, while the moveable jaw plate exerts force on the rock by forcing it against the fixed jaw plate. The space at bottom of the “V”, aligned jaw plate, is the crusher product size gap, or the size of the crushed product from the jaw crusher.
Due to the advantage of simple structure, reliable performance, convenient maintenance and safe use, our jaw crushers of various sizes are widely used in the crushing operation in metallurgy, mining, building materials, stone industries and cement enterprises.


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